内部統制英和用語集 ver. 2(翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会)



企業価値向上への取組みとしての内部統制の重要性が増しています。J-SOX(内部統制報告制度)では、上場企業に「内部統制報告書」と「監査証明」を有価証券報告書に添付して提出することを求めています。企業活動のグローバル化に伴い、国内外のステークスホルダーに内部統制関連文書を翻訳して情報発信することが必要となっています。 内部統制・監査に精通した当社の専門家翻訳チームが、長年の経験と豊富なデータを駆使して高品質な翻訳を迅速に提供します。決算書、決算短信など財務報告書の翻訳にも対応いたします。




検索結果: 0

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
A↑ インデックスへ
Absolute assurance絶対的な保証
Internal control cannot provide absolute assurance with respect to the achievement of objectives, but it aims at achieving the objectives to a reasonable extent with the organized and integrated function of individual components as a whole.
Access securityアクセス・セキュリティ
Accountable party説明責任者
The individual, group or entity that is ultimately responsible for a subject matter, process or scope.
Accounts payable買掛金
Obligations to pay for goods or services that have been acquired on open account from suppliers.
Accounts payable ledger買掛金元帳
Accounts receivable売掛金
Amounts due the company on account from customers who have bought merchandise or received services.
For financial reporting, an appropriate controller may monitor the performance of the process of confirmation and analysis/reconciliation of identified discrepancies for significant balances among account receivables.
Acquisitions買収 M & A (Mergers and Acquisitions)
Activity-level objectives活動レベルの目的
Activity-level risks活動レベルのリスク
Additional criteria追加的な指標
Adequate objectivity十分な客観性
Adverse opinion不適正意見
If external auditors conclude that the information on the remedial actions is not appropriate, they should express a qualified opinion with exceptive items, or express an adverse opinion that the statement in the Internal Control Report is inappropriate with relevant reasons. 
Advisory council to the COSO諮問委員会
Aging of accounts勘定の年齢調べ
Classifying accounts by the time elapsed after the date of billing or the due date.
Aging list年齢表
A list that contains information regarding unpaid invoices and the amount of time they've been past due.
Agreed Upon Procedure (AUP)合意された手続き
Standard a company or client outlines when it hires an external party to perform an audit on a specific test or business process.
American Accounting Association (AAA)アメリカ会計学会
American Banking Associationアメリカ銀行協会
American Bar Association (ABA)アメリカ法曹協会
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)アメリカ公認会計士協会
American Stock Exchange (Amex)アメリカ証券取引所(AMEX)
Analyst conflicts of interestアナリストの利益相反
Codes are comprehensive, addressing conflicts of interest, illegal or other improper payments, anti-competitive guidelines, insider trading.
Annual report process年次報告プロセス
Anti-Kickback Act of 19861986年 反キックバック法
Application controlアプリケーション・コントロール
Application interfaceアプリケーション・インターフェース
Application systemアプリケーション・システム
Application system controlsアプリケーション・システム統制
Appropriateness of the scope of assessment評価範囲の適切性
Arthur Andersenアーサー・アンダーセン  (アメリカ合衆国・シカゴにかつて存在した大手会計事務所) 
  • 実在性(Existence or Occurrence)
  • 網羅性(Completeness)
  • 権利と義務の帰属 (Rights and Obligations)
  • 評価の妥当性(Valuation)
  • 期間配分の適切性(Allocation)
  • 表示の妥当性(Presentation and Disclosure)
Assessment評価 (cf. evaluation)
Asset (resource) conservation/Safeguarding of assets資産(資源)の保全
Safeguarding of assets means to ensure that assets are acquired, used and disposed of in accordance with proper procedures and approvals. 
Assignment of authority  権限の委譲
Assignment of authority and responsibility権限と責任の割り当て
Assurance engagement保証業務
Formal statement by an auditor after thorough examination and consideration, as to whether financial statements fairly present financial position and operating results.
Attestation engagementアテステーション業務
Attestation standards証明基準
The function in the enterprise responsible for provision of internal audits.
Audit activity監査活動
Audit committee監査委員会
Audit findings監査上の発見事項;所見
Audit materiality監査上の重要性
Audit Practice Standards for Internal Control Systems内部統制システムに係る監査委員会監査の実施基準
Audit trail監査証跡
Audited financial statements監査済み財務諸表
Auditing Act監査法
Auditing Standards Board監査基準審議会
Auditing Standard監査基準書
Auditing Standard No. 2監査基準第2号
Auditor independence監査人の独立性
Auditor's report監査人報告書
The act of verifying the identity of a user and the user’s eligibility to access computerized information.
B↑ インデックスへ
Balance sheet貸借対照表
Statement showing a company's financial position at the end of an accounting period.
Bank balance銀行預金残高
Amount in a bank deposit account, such as a checking or savings account, as of a certain specified time or date, indicated on a bank statement.
Bank investigation銀行の検査
Bank reconciliation銀行残高調整(表); 銀行勘定調整(表)
Term used when settling differences contained in the bank statement and the cash account in the books of the bank's customer.
Bank statement銀行報告書;銀行残高照合表
Form prepared by the bank and sent to the depositor to show transactions in the account.
Reconcile bank statements to cash accounts and investigate long-outstanding checks by individuals independent of accounts payable and cash disbursement functions.
売掛勘定および現金支出部門から独立した個人による、銀行報告書と現金勘定との照合および長期未決済小切手の調査 [統合的枠組み]
Baseline architectureベースラインアーキテクチャ
The existing description of the fundamental underlying design of the components of the business system before entering a cycle of architecture review and redesign.
Basic components基本的要素
  • Control Environment 統制環境
  • Risk Assessment and Response リスクの評価と対応
  • Control Activities 統制活動
  • Information and Communication 情報と伝達
  • Monitoring モニタリング
  • Response to IT (Information Technology) IT(情報技術)への対応
Basic framework of internal control内部統制の基本的枠組み
Chapter I, “Basic framework of internal control,” is designed to provide a basic internal control framework, which constitutes a prerequisite for evaluating, reporting, and auditing internal control over financial reporting as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.
Benefits and cost 便益と費用
Board of directors or audit committee取締役会または監査委員会
Business continuity事業継続性
Preventing, mitigating and recovering from disruption. The terms ‘business resumption planning’, ‘disaster recovery planning’ and ‘contingency planning’ also may be used in this context; they focus on recovery aspects of continuity, and for that reason the ‘resilience’ aspect should also be taken into account.
Business location事業拠点
Business processes 業務プロセス
Individual business processes, such as sales (order taking → shipment → invoice) and purchasing (order placement → receipt → payment).
Business process control業務プロセス統制
The policies, procedures, practices and organizational structures designed to provide reasonable assurance that a business process will achieve its objectives.
Business process flowchart業務プロセスフローチャート; フローチャート
Business processes to be assessed評価対象とする業務プロセス
Business size事業規模
Business strategy事業戦略
by the fiscal year end date期末までに
C↑ インデックスへ
CAAT (Computer Assisted Audit Techniques)コンピュータ支援監査技法
Cabinet Office Order on the System for Ensuring the Appropriateness of Documents on Financial Calculation and Other Information 財務計算に関する書類その他の情報の適正性を確保するための体制に関する内閣府令
Canadian Securities Administratorsカナダ証券管理局 (CSA)
Certified public accountants公認会計士
Certification reports認証報告書
Changed operating environment事業を取り巻く環境の変化
Check listチェックリスト
用例: <br> Checklist for Account Balances 勘定科目残高確認チェックリスト
Checklist for Design and Operating Effectiveness 整備・運用状況チェックリスト
Chief accounting officer会計担当(最高)役員
Chief executive上級経営管理者
Chief executive officer最高経営責任者
Chief financial officer最高財務責任者
CLC (Company Level Control) = ELC (Entity Level Control) 全社統制
Internal control that has a significant impact on consolidated financial statements in their entirety throughout the company group is hereinafter referred to as “company-level controls".
Classification of deficiencies of internal controls内部統制の不備の区分
Closing date 決算日 (=end of accounting (reporting) period)
Closing entry 決算整理仕訳; 決算仕訳
Closing procedures 決算手続き
Closing (foreign exchange) rate 決算日レート
to be translated at the closing rate
Closing schedule 決算スケジュール
Code of conduct行為規範;行動規範 
Code of ethics倫理規定
A document designed to influence individual and organizational behavior of employees by defining organizational values and the rules to be applied in certain situations.
Cohen Commissionコーエン委員会(監査人の責任委員会)
Internal control may not operate effectively due to misjudgments, carelessness or collusion among two or more individuals.
Commission on Auditors' Responsibilities監査人の責任委員会(コーエン委員会)
Commission resources and authority証券取引委員会の資源(財源)と権限
Commitment to Competence能力に対する経営者の取り組み
Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR)欧州証券規制委員会(CESR)
Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO)トレッドウェイ委員会組織委員会
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO)/internal control approach組織委員会(COSO)/内部統制アプローチ
Committee on Law and Accounting of the Business Law Section of the ABA企業法部会の法・会計委員会
Effective communication must occur down, across and up an organization and with parties external to the organization.
Communication and consultation 伝達と協議
Communication Chanel伝達チャンネル
Company-level management system 全社的な管理体制
Company-wide perspective全社的観点
Competence能力; 適正; コンピテンシー(遂行能力)
The ability to perform a specific task, action or function successfully.
Completeness網羅性; 完全性
* All transactions and accounts that should be presented in the financial statements are so included.
Completeness, accuracy, validity, etc. of entry information入力情報の完全性、正確性、正当性
The function in the enterprise responsible for guidance on legal, regulatory and contractual.
Compliance objectives法規の遵守目的
Compliance status遵守状況
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations relevant to business activities事業活動に関わる法令等の遵守
Components of internal control内部統制の構成要素
Computer Aided Software Engineeringコンピュータ支援ソフトウェア・エンジニアリング
Computer controlsコンピュータによる統制
Conflicts of interest利害の相反; 利益の相反
Consolidated income before tax連結税引前利益
Consolidated statement of financial position 連結財政状態計算書
Consulted party協議先
Those people whose opinions are sought on an activity (two-way communication)
The means of managing risk, including policies, procedures, guidelines, practices or organizational structures, which can be of an administrative, technical, management or legal nature. Also used as a synonym for safeguard or countermeasure.
Control activities統制活動
Control activities encompass a wide range of policies and the related implementation procedures that help ensure that management's directives are effected. They help ensure that those actions identified as necessary to address risks to achieve the entity's objectives are carried out.
Control deficiency統制の不備
Control deficiencies are classified into design deficiencies and operating effectiveness deficiencies. Deficiencies in design arise when a control is missing or an existing control is not properly designed and the control objective is not always met. Deficiencies in operating effectiveness arise when a properly designed control does not operate as designed, when there are many errors in operation or when the person performing the control does not properly understand the nature and objectives of the control.
Control environment統制環境
The control environment determines the tone of an organization; influences the awareness of its people toward control; lays the foundation for all other components; and influences risk assessment and response, control activities, information and communication, monitoring and response to IT.
統制環境とは、組織の気風を決定し、組織内のすべての者の統制に対する意識に影響を与えるとともに、他の基本的要素の基礎をなし、リスクの評価と対応、統制活動、情報と伝達、モニタリング及びITへの対応に影響を及ぼす基盤をいう。 [金融庁:意見書]
Control environment element統制環境要因
Control environment risk assessment統制環境リスク評価
Control objectives統制目的
Control objectives for information and related technology (COBIT)情報技術統制目標
Control over system softwareシステム・ソフトウェアに対する統制
Control processes/evaluation questions統制手続/検証質問
Control testing plan内部統制計画
Controls over data center情報処理センターに対する統制
Controls over data center operations情報処理センター業務に対する統制
Corporate and Criminal Accountability Act of 20022002年 企業犯罪行為説明責任法
Corporate auditors(企業の)監査役
Corporate fraud accountability企業不正行為説明責任
Corporate Fraud Accountability Act of 20022002年 企業不正行為説明責任法
Corporate governance action plan企業の行為綱領
Corporate responsibility企業責任
Corporate restructurings事業体のリストラ
Corporate tax returns法人税申告書
Corrective action logs是正処置記録
Corrective actions是正処置 (=remedial actions)
Cost of compliance納税協力費
Cost control原価管理
Credit balance貸方残高
Credit control売掛金管理
Credit entry貸方記入
Credible financial report信頼できる財務報告
Cultural change and process approach企業文化の変化とプロセス・アプローチ
Customer 販売先; 顧客
D↑ インデックスへ
Data center operations情報処理センター業務
Debit balance借方残高
Debit entry借方記入
individual who has a legal obligation to pay money to another.
Unlawful and fraudulent misappropriation of property or funds under one's (e.g., cashier, trustee, administrator) control by breach of trust. 
Defense Industry Initiative (DII) on Business Ethics and Conduct防衛産業先導(DII)
Deferred cost繰延費用
Expenditure incurred having future benefit in excess of one year that is capitalized to an asset account.
Debit balance in the Retained Earnings account resulting from accumulated losses. 
Definition of internal control内部統制の定義
Descriptions of management responsibilities経営者の責任に関する記載
Design整備; 整備状況
When basic plans and policies on internal control are determined in an organization, design of internal controls is understood and the results are recorded and maintained.
Design and operation of internal controls内部統制の整備・運用
Design assessment 整備評価; 整備状況評価
Design status of internal controls内部統制の整備状況
Detective controls発見的統制
Difference差異; 差額
Difference between accounting and tax book value会計簿価と税務簿価の差
Dilution希薄化; 株の希薄化(発行株式数の増加により、1株あたりの利益が薄まること)
Disclaimer of opinion意見差控
Rendered by the auditor when insufficient competent evidential matter exists to form an auditor opinion.
Documentation 文書化
during the fiscal year 期中
E↑ インデックスへ
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) 支払利息控除前税引き前利益
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 原価償却費及び支払利息控除前税引き前利益
Earnings before interest, taxes and amortization (EBITA) 無形資産償却前営業利益(税引前)
Earnings before taxes (EBT) 税引前利益
Edit checkエディット・チェック
An edit check, also referred to an edit test, checks data entered into a data entry system for validity.
Effects of exchange rate changes為替変動による影響額
Effective internal control over financial reporting財務報告に係る内部統制が有効である
Effective internal control over financial reporting” means that the internal control is designed and operated in accordance with an appropriate internal control framework and is free of material weakness. 
Effectiveness and efficiency of business operations業務の有効性と効率性
Effectiveness of internal control (system)内部統制(システム)の有効性
Assess the design effectiveness of internal controls after the change, including the misstatement risk and controls to mitigate the risk in the business process associated with the change.
変更に伴う業務プロセスにおける虚偽記載の発生するリスクとこれを低減する統制の識別を含む変更後の内部統制の整備状況の有効性の評価 [金融庁: 意見書]
Electronic data interchange電子データ交換
Elimination of unrealized profit未実現利益の消去
Employee benefit 従業員給付
Employee stock ownership program従業員持株制度
Employer's contribution to social security雇用主負担の社会保険拠出
End User Computing (EUC)エンドユーザー・コンピューティング
Enforcement of management's report経営者報告書の強制
Engagement circumstances業務の状況
Engagement documentation調書
実施した手続、入手した証拠及び業務実施者が到達した結論の記録 [実務指針]
Engagement partners 業務執行社員; 業務執行責任者
Engagement team業務チーム
個々の専門業務に従事する者をいう。監査事務所又はネットワーク・ファームに所属する者で、専門業務を実施する社員等及び専門職員から構成される [実務指針]
Enhanced financial disclosures財務開示制度の強化
Enterprise culture企業文化
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) 企業資源計画; 統合基幹業務システム
Enterprise risk企業リスク
Entity report事業体報告書
Entity-level controls (ELC) 全社統制 (=company-level controls (CLC))
Entity-level risks事業体レベルのリスク
Entity-specific controls個々の事業体の実情にあった統制活動
Entity-wide objectives事業体レベルの目的
Entry入力; 記入; 仕訳
Entries are made in a journal (仕訳帳に記入される)
Entry of wrong amounts for orders受注金額の誤入力
Establishment of internal controls内部統制構築;内部統制策の策定
Ethical value倫理的価値観
European Commission欧州委員会
European Union (EU)欧州連合(EU)
Events after reporting period; subsequent events後発事象
Evidence 証憑; 証拠
The audit evidence obtained in the process of the Internal Control Audit may be used as audit evidence for the Financial Statement Audit, and vice versa.
内部統制監査の過程で得られた監査証拠は、財務諸表監査の内部統制の評価における監査証拠として利用され、また、財務諸表監査の過程で得られた監査証拠も内部統制監査の証拠として利用されることがある。 [金融庁: 意見書]
Evidential documentation証拠文書
Executive management経営管理
Exhibit 添付書類; 参考
formal statement prepared primarily for the dissemination of information.
主に情報の普及のために作成される。 金融庁:意見書では「参考」と呼ばれている。
Existence 実在性
Expectation gap期待のギャップ
Expected credit loss (ECL)予想信用損失
Explanatory note説明的注記
(External) Reporting on internal control内部統制に関する(外部)報告
External auditors外部監査人
External communication外部伝達
Information must also be disseminated externally in a timely and appropriate manner, not just internally. This includes disclosures of financial information mandated by laws and regulations. 
法令による財務情報の開示等を含め、情報は組織の内部だけでなく、組織の外部に対しても適時かつ適切に伝達される必要がある。 [金融庁:意見書]
External context 外部環境
Extraordinary loss特別損失
Extraordinary profit特別利益
F↑ インデックスへ
Facilitate 促進する;容易にする
Fact bookファクトブック
Facts that become known to the auditor after the date of the auditor's report事後判明事実
Term indicating that an entity's financial condition and operating results are presented in a way that is understandable, appropriate, and comprehensive.
False statement虚偽記載
In order to judge company-level controls to be effective, it is important that the company-level controls satisfy the following conditions in order to mitigate the risk of causing false statements and disclosures in the financial reporting.
Falsifications 偽造; 改竄 (ソフトウェア)
FCRP (Financial Controls for the Reporting Process) = ICFR (Internal Control over Financial Reporting)決算・財務報告プロセスに係る内部統制
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Improvement Act of 1991連邦預金保険公社改善法
Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982連邦財務官誠実法
individual or institution responsible for holding or administrating property owned by another.
Fiduciary responsibility受託責任
Fiduciary duty受託者義務
Fiduciary service信託業務
Finance strategy財務戦略
Financial and accounting officers 財務・経理担当役員
Financial analyst財務アナリスト
Financial closing 決算 (=closing, book closing)
Financial Executives Institute (FEI)財務担当経営者協会
Financial Executives International (FEI)財務役員国際組織(FEI)
Financial Executives Research Foundation (FERF)財務担当経営者研究財団(FERF)
Financial information財務情報
This procedure is effective to confirm the accuracy of financial information and existence of assets. It also leads not only to the correction of any discrepancy identified, but also may lead to the finding of an issue in the sales process and promoting of remedial action for of the issue.
この手続は財務情報の正確性及び資産の実在性を確認するために有効であるとともに、不一致の存在が確認された場合には、その修正にとどまらず、販売プロセスの問題点を発見してその改善を促すことにつながり得ると考えられる。[金融庁: 意見書]
Financial manager財務責任者
Financial reporting 財務報告
"Financial reporting” and “financial reports” are external reporting of both 1) financial statements and 2) disclosure information and others that could have a material effect on the reliability of financial statements.
Financial reporting entity level controls (FRELC) 決算財務全社統制
Financial reporting process level controls (FRPLC)決算財務業務処理統制
Financial reporting objectives財務報告目的
Financial statement assertions財務諸表上の主張/財務諸表に関する言明
Management should determine whether the individual key controls related to individual significant accounts are properly designed and provide reasonable assurance of achieving the financial statement assertions, i.e. existence and occurrence, completeness, rights and obligations, valuation, allocation, and presentation and disclosure.
Financial statement audit財務諸表監査
One performed by a CPA for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to the fairness of the information contained in the financial statements. 
Financial statement close process (FSCP) 決算プロセス; 決算財務報告プロセス
Financial statement fraud財務諸表不正
Financial statements財務諸表
Findings指摘事項; 所見; 結果;手続実施結果
手続実施結果は、合意された手続の事実に則した結果である。手続実施結果は、客観的に検証することができるように記述しなければならない [実務指針]
Fiscal year end date 期末日
Floatation cost証券発行費
Flowchartフローチャート (=business process flowchart)
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA)海外不正支払防止法
Foreign operations海外事業
Form 8-KForm 8-K: 内国会社の臨時報告書
Formulated sales procedures 定型化販売手順
Four objectives of internal control内部統制の4つの目的
業務の有効性及び効率性(effectiveness and efficiency of business operations);財務報告の信頼性(reliability of financial reporting);事業活動に関わる法令等の遵守(compliance with applicable laws and regulations);資産の保全(safeguarding of assets)をいう。
Relationship among Four Objectives 
Although the four objectives of internal control - effectiveness and efficiency of business operations, reliability of financial reporting, compliance with applicable laws and regulations relevant to business activities and safeguarding of assets - are inherent, they are not independent of each other, but rather closely connected.
Frauds or significant illegal facts 不正又は法令に違反する重大な事実
Fraud financial reporting不正な財務報告
FRELC (Financial Reporting Entity Level Controls)決算財務全社統制
FRPLC (Financial Reporting Process Level Controls)決算財務業務処理統制
FS (Financial Statements) = FR (Financial Reporting)決算財務報告
FSCP (Financial Statements Close Process)決算財務報告プロセス
Functional or activity management職能または活動の直接的管理
G↑ インデックスへ
Gap analysisGap分析
Provide gap analysis and improvement planning information to support definition of justifiable improvement projects.
General Accounting Office (GAO)米国会計検査院
General controls全般的統制
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)一般に公正妥当と認められた会計原則
Generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)一般に公正妥当と認められる監査基準
Generally accepted assessment standards for internal control 一般に公正妥当と認められる内部統制評価基準
Good practice優れた実践手法
A proven activity or process that has been successfully used by multiple enterprises and has been shown to produce reliable results.
Governance ensures that stakeholder needs, conditions and options are evaluated to determine balanced, agreed-on enterprise objectives to be achieved; setting direction through prioritization and decision making; and monitoring performance and compliance against agreed-on direction and objectives.
Governance action plan 行為綱領
Governance enabler ガバナンスイネーブラー
Something (tangible or intangible) that assists in the realization of effective governance.
Governance frameworkガバナンスフレームワーク
A framework is a basic conceptual structure used to solve or address complex issues; an enabler of governance; a set of concepts, assumptions and practices that define how something can be approached or understood, the relationships amongst the entities involved, the roles of those involved, and the boundaries (what is and is not included in the governance system).
フレームワークとは、複雑な課題を解決したり対策を講じたりするために使われる基本的な概念構造であり、ガバナンスイネーブラーの一つである。また、アプローチや理解の方法、関連するエンティティ間の関係とそれらの役割、境界(ガバナンスシステムに何が含まれて、何が含まれないか)を定義する上での一連のコンセプト、仮説、実践手法である。 [COBIT5]
H↑ インデックスへ
Human resource policies and practices人的資源に関する方針と管理
I↑ インデックスへ
ICFR(Internal Control over Financial Reporting)=FCRP(Financial Controls for the Reporting Process)決算・財務報告プロセスに係る内部統制
When management addresses unexpected changes in internal or external environments or non-routine transactions outside the framework of existing internal control, or, when an authorized person performs, based on a managerial decision, separate procedures in excess of the limitation of existing internal control, such activities do not constitute ignorance or overriding of internal control.
Illegal activity (Illegal Payment)違法な行為(違法な支出)
Impact 影響
This classification renders more complicated the procedures involved in assessing the impacts thereof on financial reporting.
condition of accountant having no bias and being neutral regarding the client or another party in performing the audit function.
会計士が監査人の役割を担うとき、顧客もしくは他の団体に対してバイアスがない中立な状態。[Barron's dictionary]
Information and Communications情報と伝達
Information processing情報処理
Information system 情報システム
Information system controls情報システムに対する統制
Information technology controlsコンピュータによる統制手続/ITによるコントロール
Informed party報告先
Refers to those people who are kept up to date on the progress of an activity (one-way communication).
Initial review engagement初年度レビュー業務
Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ireland)アイルランド会計士協会
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)管理会計士協会
Integrated Operation System統合的業務システム
Integrity完全性; 誠実性 
If information has integrity, then it is free of error and complete. It corresponds to the following information quality goals: completeness, accuracy.
Integrity & ethical values誠実性と倫理的価値観
Integrity and ethical values of an organization are the important factors that shape its tone, and have a significant impact on all persons in the organization when they make ethical decisions.
Intended user想定利用者
Interim financial reporting中間財務報告
Interim financial reporting process中間財務報告プロセス
Internal accounting control内部会計統制
Internal audit department内部監査部門
Internal audit department/responsibilities of内部監査部門/責任
Internal auditing standard内部監査基準
Internal auditing system内部監査制度
Internal auditors内部監査人
Internal auditors are responsible for examining and assessing the design and operation of internal control and prompts remedial action as a part of their monitoring functions, a basic component of internal control to ensure more effective achievement of the internal control objectives.
Internal change management (ICM)内部変更管理
Internal communication内部伝達
Achieving the objectives of the organization and the objectives of Internal Control requires that the necessary information be conveyed to the appropriate personnel within the organization in a timely manner.
Internal control内部統制
Plan of organization and all the methods and measures used by a business to monitor assets, prevent fraud, minimize errors, verify the correctness and reliability of accounting data, promote operational efficiency, and ensure that established managerial policies are followed.
組織の計画/資産を監視し、不正防止、誤りを最小限化、会計データの正確性と信頼性の実証、運用効率向上、確率された経営方針遵守の確保のために、企業が採用するすべての方法と措置 [Barron's Dictionary of Accounting Terms]
Internal control (significant) deficiencies内部統制上の(重大な)欠陥
Internal control as a processプロセスとしての内部統制
Internal control audit report 内部統制監査報告書
Internal control culture approach内部統制企業文化アプローチ
Internal control deficiencies (Disclosures)内部統制上の欠陥についての報告(開示)
Internal control disclosures/actual company reports内部統制開示/企業報告
Internal control matrix内部統制マトリクス
Internal control objectives内部統制の目的
Internal control over asset conservation/safeguarding of assets資産の保全に対する内部統制
Internal control over financial reporting財務報告に関する内部統制
”Internal control over financial reporting” is an internal control that is necessary to ensure the reliability of financial reporting. 
Internal control structure内部統制構造
Internal controls environment内部統制環境
Internal testing内部テスト
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)国際会計基準審議会
Inter-relationship of controls全般的統制とアプリケーション・コントロールとの関係
Inter-relationship of controls objectives統制目的相互の関係
Investment Company Act of 19401940年 投資会社法
Investment portfolio投資ポートフォリオ
The collection of investments being considered and/or being made
IT applicationITアプリケーション
Electronic functionality that constitutes parts of business processes undertaken by, or with the assistance of IT.
IT によって実行される、または IT の支援を受けて実行されるビジネスプロセスの一部を構成する電子的機能。[COBIT5]
IT application controls (ITAC) ITに係る業務処理統制
IT-based automated internal controls ITを利用した自動化内部統制
ITELC (IT Entity Level Controls ) = ITCLC (IT Company Level Controls); CLITC (Company-Level IT Controls)IT全社統制
IT general controls (ITGC) = GITC (General IT Controls) ITに係る全般統制
IT general controls refer to control activities intended to ensure an environment in which application controls function effectively. Usually, they are policies and procedures associated with multiple business process controls.
  • システムの開発、保守に係る管理 (Control of system development and maintenance)
  • システムの運用・管理 (System operation and administration)
  • 内外からのアクセス管理などシステムの安全性の確保 (Ensuring system security including access control from inside/outside the organization)
  • 外部委託に関する契約の管理 (Control of outsourcing contract management) [金融庁:意見書]
IT general controls over IT-based controls ITを利用した内部統制に係るIT全般統制
IT goalIT 達成目標
A statement describing a desired outcome of enterprise IT in support of enterprise goals. An outcome can be an artifact, a significant change of a state or a significant capability improvement.
事業体の達成目標をサポートする事業体 IT の望まれる成果を説明する記述。成果には、成果物、状態の著しい変更、または能力の著しい改善などがある。[COBIT5]
J↑ インデックスへ
J-GAAP (Japan GAAP)日本(会計)基準
J-SOX (Japanese version of the Sarbanes Oxley Act) 内部統制報告制度
Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA)日本公認会計士協会
Joint control共同支配
Joint operation共同支配事業; ジョイントオペレーション
Joint products連産品
Journal entry仕訳;仕訳入力
Journal slip仕訳伝票
Judgement criteria for effectiveness of internal control内部統制の有効性の判断規準
Junior debt劣後債務
Just-in-Time inventory systemsジャスト・イン・タイム在庫システム
K↑ インデックスへ
Key controlキーコントロール;統制上の要点
Based on the assessment of company-level controls, management should analyze business processes within the scope of the internal controls to be assessed, identify a key control that would have a material impact on the reliability of financial reporting (“key control” hereinafter), and assess whether the basic components of internal control are operating with regard to the key control. 
Key control indicator最重要統制要因
Kiting小切手のカラ振り; カイティング
illegal practice in which a cash shortage is concealed by exploiting the time required for a check to clear.
L↑ インデックスへ
concealing a shortage by delaying the recording of cash receipts.
現金出納記録の遅れを利用した資金不足の隠蔽法。[Barron‘s Dictionary]
Lead time調達時間; リードタイム
interval between placing an order and receiving delivery.
book in which all accounts of the business are kept.
Ledger account元帳科目
Legislative authority立法当局
Letter of awareness覚書; レターオブアウェアネス
Letter of comfort念書;レターオブコンフォート
Letter of consent同意書
Letter of engagement業務委託契約書
Letter of recommendation(監査人)勧告書
Letter of representation(経営者)陳述書
Level of assurance 保証水準
Likelihood of the impact影響の発生可能性
Limited assurance限定的保証
Local GAAP現地会計基準
Local tax returns地方税申告書
Long-term loans payable長期借入金
Long-term loans receivable長期貸付金
Long-term other accounts payable長期未払金
Long-term unearned revenue長期前受収益
M↑ インデックスへ
Malfunctions 障害
Management plans, builds, runs and monitors activities in alignment with the direction set by the governance body to achieve the enterprise objectives.
Management and staff経営者と従業員
Management assertions over internal controls内部統制に対する経営者のアサーション
Management certifications経営陣による財務諸表への宣誓
Management controls経営管理者による統制
Management override of controls経営者による内部統制の無効化(経営陣による内部統制を無視した独断専行)
Management processマネジメント・プロセス
Management responsibility for reporting経営者の報告責任
Management testingマネジメント・テスト
Management's philosophy and operating style経営者の哲学と行動様式
Management's report経営者報告書
Managing change環境の変化に対応すること
Manual controls手作業による統制
Manual controls procedures手作業による統制手続
1. 直接・間接の原材料
2. 金額から見て相対的に重要で意味のあること
Material mix材料配合
Material mix variance材料配合差異
Material misstatements 重大な虚偽記載; 虚偽表示;記載誤り
Material weakness重大な欠陥
“Material weakness” is a deficiency that has a reasonable possibility of having a material effect on financial reporting. 
magnitude of an omission or misstatement of accounting data that misleads financial statement readers.
Determining quantitative materiality 金額的な重要性の判断
Quantitative materiality can be calculated as a percentage of consolidated total assets, consolidated sales, consolidated income before income taxes and minority interests and other factors.
Matrix organizationマトリクス組織
Measurer or evaluator測定者または評価者
Mergers合併 M & A (Mergers and Acquisitions)
Minahan Committeeミナハン委員会(内部統制特別諮問委員会)
   主題情報と、規準に準拠して主題を適切に測定又は評価した結果との差異をいう [実務指針]
Modified opinion除外事項付意見
It may be appropriate in some circumstances to refer to the auditor’s expert in an auditor’s report containing a modified opinion, to explain the nature of the modification.
Monitoring of standard inventory balance (monthly) 標準残高把握(月次)
Monitoring of aggregate average unit costs of raw materials 原材料総平均単価把握
most recent直近の
mutual shareholding株式相互保有
N↑ インデックスへ
Narratives 業務記述書; 業務手順書 (=business process narratives; business process description)
Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq)ナスダック証券取引所 (ナスダック)
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ)全米証券業協会気配情報システム
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.全米証券業協会
National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting不正な財務報告全米委員会(トレッドウェイ委員会)
Necessary cost of doing business approachビジネス・アプローチに必要なコスト
Net income; net profit; net margin当期純利益
Net income attributable to stockholders of the parent company親会社の株主に帰属する当期純利益
New lines, products, activities新しい生産ライン・新製品・新しい活動
New or revamped information systems新しく設計された情報システムあるいは改良された情報システム
New personnel新任の役員と新入社員
New technology新しい技術
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)ニューヨーク証券取引所
Non-routine or irregular transactions 非定型・不規則な取引
O↑ インデックスへ
Objectivity 独立性
Office of the Watergate Special Prosecutorウォーターゲート特別検察局
Ongoing monitoring日常的監視活動/継続モニタリング
Operating assessment 運用状況評価; 運用評価
Operation and administration of the system relating to the financial reporting財務報告システム運用・管理
Operation information業務情報
Operations objectives業務目的
Order entry clerks 受注入力担当者
Organization 組織; 編成
Organizational structure組織構造
Outsource 外部委託(する) 
Outsourced processes (外部への)委託業務
Outsourcing contract 外部委託契約 
P↑ インデックスへ
Performance indicators業務指標
Period-end financial reporting processes 決算・財務報告プロセス
Person who performed the assessment work評価作業の実施者
Physical controls物理的統制
Policies and procedures方針と手続
Practice standards 実施基準
Practitioner 業務実施者
専門業務を実施する者をいい、業務執行責任者又は業務チームの他のメンバー、場合によっては監査事務所を含めて使用される [実務指針]
Presentation and disclosure 表示と開示
The components of the financial statements are properly classified, described, and disclosed.
Preventive controls予防的統制
Generally, a collection of practices influenced by the enterprise’s policies and procedures that takes inputs from a number of sources (including other processes), manipulates the inputs and produces outputs (e.g., products, services)
一般には、複数のソース(他のプロセスも含む)からインプットを受け、そのインプットを操作し、アウトプット(製品、サービスなど)を生成する、事業体のポリシーや手続きに影響される実践手法の集合体。 [COBIT5]
Process goal プロセス達成目標
A statement describing the desired outcome of a process. An outcome can be an artifact, a significant change of a state or a significant capability improvement of other processes.
Process-level controls (PLC) 業務プロセス統制; 業務プロセスに係る内部統制
Process-level controls over financial closing and reporting決算・財務報告に係る業務プロセス
Project charterプロジェクト憲章
Project steering committeeプロジェクト運営委員会
Project teamプロジェクト・チーム
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)上場会社会計監視審議会
Public Oversight Board (POB)公共監視審査会
Q↑ インデックスへ
Qualified conclusion否定的結論
Qualitative significance 質的重要性
Qualitative impacts 質的影響
Quality of information情報の質
Quantitative impacts 量的影響;金額的影響
Quantitative materiality量的重要性; 金額的重要性 (=quantitative significance)
R↑ インデックスへ
Rapid growth急速な成長
Reasonable assurance合理的な保証
The “reasonable assurance” means that external auditors have obtained sufficient competent evidence to express such opinions.
Reference date 基準日
Article 5(1)The company submitting an internal control report is to prepare the internal control report of the company for the fiscal year which ends on the last day thereof as the reference date.
Regulatory bodies規制機関
Relevant assertions関連経営者の主張
Remedial actions 是正措置
Remedial status 是正状況
Remediate 是正する
Remediation 是正
Reporting deficiencies内部統制上の欠陥についての報告
Reliability of financial reporting財務報告の信頼性
resource optimization資源の最適化
One of the governance objectives. Involves effective, efficient and responsible use of all resources - human, financial, equipment, facilities, etc.
Response 対応
Response to ITITへの対応
Responsible party 実行責任者;主題に責任を負う者
Responsible personnel (or manager) 責任者; 担当者
Returned goods 返却品
Return on assets (ROA) 総資産利益率
Return on equity (ROE)自己資本利益率
Return on investment (ROI) 投資利益率
Return on sales 売上高利益率
Rights and obligations 権利と義務
* The company holds or controls rights to the assets, and liabilities are obligations of the company at a given date.
Risk analysisリスクの分析
Risk assessmentリスクの評価
Risk assessment and response リスクの評価と対応
Risk identificationリスクの識別
Risk identification & analysisリスクの識別と分析
Risk managementリスクマネジメント;リスク管理
One of the governance objectives. Entails recognizing risk; assessing the impact and likelihood of that risk; and developing strategies, such as avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk and/or transferring the risk, to manage it within the context of the enterprise’s risk appetite.
Risk of material misstatement重要な虚偽表示リスク
業務が実施されていない状態で、主題情報に重要な虚偽表示が存在するリスクをいう [実務指針]
Risk source リスク源
Role playingロール・プレイング
S↑ インデックスへ
Safeguarding of assets 資産保全
Sales managers販売責任者
Sales mix 売上構成
Sales mix variance  売上構成差異
Schedule of management's report経営者報告書の時間枠
Scope of assessment評価範囲
Scope of internal control内部統制の範囲
Scope of management's report経営者報告書の範囲
Securities Acts of 1933 and 19341933年及び1934年の証券取引法
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)米国証券取引委員会
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 1934年証券取引法
Segregation of duties職務の分離;職務分掌
Separate auditors独立監査人
Separate control objectives個別的統制目的
Separate Evaluations独立的評価/個別評価
Service organization 受託会社 (ここでは、業務を外部委託する場合に受託する組織をいう)
Shipping instructions 出荷指図書
Shipping reports 出荷報告書
Significant account重要な勘定
Significant business locations (units) 重要な事業拠点
Significant deficiency重大な不備
Significant false record重大な虚偽記録
Significant process重要なプロセス
Significant subsequent events 重要な後発事象
Single Audit Act of 1984監査法
Skeptical financial reporting疑わしい財務報告
Software applicationsソフトウェア・アプリケーションズ
Solvency IIソルベンシーII
Special Advisory Committee on Internal Control内部統制特別諮問委員会(ミナハン委員会)
Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing内部監査の専門職的実施の基準
Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70, Service Organizations/type I and type II reports監査基準書第70号、サービス機関(アウトソーシング企業)
Strategic integrated system戦略的統合システム
Studies and reports調査および報告
Supervisory agencies監督機関
Supplemental narratives補足説明
System designシステム・デザイン
System development methodologyアプリケーション・システムの開発と保守
System operation and administration システム運用管理
System security システムの安全性
System software システム・ソフトウェア
T↑ インデックスへ
Tacit rules within the company 暗黙裡の社内ルール
The Commission on Auditor's Responsibilities (the Cohen commission)コーエン委員会
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)内部監査人協会
The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation内部監査人協会研究財団
Top-down and risk-based approach トップダウン型、リスク重視アプローチ
Top level reviews最高経営陣の段階で行われるレビュー
trail; log 証跡
Treadway Commissionトレッドウェイ委員会(不正な財務報告全米委員会)
Types of control activities統制活動の種類
U↑ インデックスへ
Unauthorized uses 不正使用
United States Sentencing Commission合衆国量刑委員会
Unavoidable circumstances やむを得ない事情
Unqualified opinion無限定適正意見
Use of the work of experts専門家業務の利用
user authentication and limitation of the operation rangeユーザ認証・操作範囲限定
Users of financial data財務データユーザ
V↑ インデックスへ
Valuation or allocation 評価または配分
* Asset, liability, equity, revenue, and expense components have been included in the financial statements at appropriate amounts
Vulnerability ぜい(脆)弱性
W↑ インデックスへ
Watergate Scandal or Watergateウォーターゲート事件
White-Collar Crime penalty Enhancement Act of 20022002年のホワイト カラー犯罪罰則強化法
X↑ インデックスへ
Y↑ インデックスへ
year-end closing date決算日
Z↑ インデックスへ

■ 無断転載禁止 ■

■ 本用語集の作成・編集にあたり下記文献を参照しました。■
* 金融庁: 統制の評価及び監査の基準並びに財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び監査に関する実施基準の設定について(意見書)[金融庁:意見書]
* JIS Q 31000-2019 リスクマネジメント - 指針 
* BARRON'S Dictionary of Accounting Terms, Joel G. Siegel/Jae K. Shim著 (邦訳: 英文会計用語辞典, 堀内正博、佐々木洋和 訳、 清文社)[Barron's dictionary]
* トレッドウェイ委員会組織委員会:内部統制の総合的枠組み(理論編)、鳥羽至英、八田進二、高田敏文共訳、白桃書房 [統合的枠組み]
* トレッドウェイ委員会組織委員会:内部統制の総合的枠組み(ツール編)、鳥羽至英、八田進二、高田敏文共訳、白桃書房 [統合的枠組み]
* INTERNAL CONTROL - INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK - Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
* Anne M. Marchetti : BEYOND Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance - Effective Enterprise Risk Management -
* COBIT5 (control objective for information and related technology 5) (事業体の IT ガバナンスとIT マネジメントのためのビジネスフレームワーク) [COBIT5]
* 保証業務実務指針(序)(社団法人日本監査役協会) [実務指針] 
* 内部統制システムに係る監査委員会監査の実施基準 (社団法人日本監査役協会)[実施基準]
* 財務計算に関する書類その他の情報の適正性を確保するための体制に関する内閣府令 [財務計算内閣府令]
(英訳:Cabinet Office Order on the System for Ensuring the Appropriateness of Documents on Financial Calculation and Other Information)



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