

– 契約書翻訳のための用語・用例集 その4  (翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会)-

JURISDICTION: 管轄、管轄権、裁判権

[] 他動詞: allege, assume, challenge, change, claim, deny, exercise, extend, have, possess, proclaim, prove
allege jurisdiction 管轄権を申し立てる
*   One of the most common means of alleging jurisdiction on the part of the prosecution is to refer to the accused as a “taxpayer.”
assume jurisdiction over についての管轄権を引き受ける、管轄する
*       The Commission shall assume exclusive jurisdiction over conciliation (斡旋), mediation (調停), arbitration (仲裁), and disposition (処分)of cases.
*      The Commission shall assume priority jurisdiction over conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and disposition of cases.
challenge jurisdiction 管轄権に対して異議を申し立てる
*      If jurisdiction is to be successfully challenged, it must be at the very beginning of the trial.
exercise jurisdiction  管轄権を行使する
*      When two or more cases falling under the territorial jurisdiction of different courts are related to each other, any court which has jurisdiction over one of these cases may exercise jurisdiction over the others jointly.
*      The case shall be under the District Court which exercises jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the company.
*      When two or more cases falling under the subject matter jurisdiction of different courts are related to each other, a higher court may exercise jurisdiction over all of them jointly.
have jurisdiction 管轄権を持つ、所管する、所掌する、担当する
*      The prosecution has jurisdiction in this case.
*      The court has no national jurisdiction over the accused. その裁判所は被告人に対して裁判権を有しないとき.
*      This case shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the district court that has jurisdiction over the decedent’s place of domicile as of the time of commencement of inheritance.
*      The action shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the company.
*      This license of use of the Products shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive primary jurisdiction with respect to all disputes arising with respect thereto.
*      Nothing in this Agreement will prevent either party from filing an action against the other party to collect unpaid and past due amounts in the courts having jurisdiction over the other party.
proclaim jurisdiction 管轄権を宣言する
*      The judge has proclaimed jurisdiction from the bench. 判事は判事席から管轄権を宣言した.
prove jurisdiction 管轄権を証明する
*      The one alleging jurisdiction must prove jurisdiction if jurisdiction is challenged.

[] 前に来る修飾語句:
a court of competent jurisdiction 管轄権を有する裁判所
*      If any provisions of this Agreement should be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired.
*      The award of arbitration shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto, shall not be subject to appeal to any court, and may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction for execution forthwith.
exclusive jurisdiction 専属管轄権
exclusive jurisdiction by consent 専属的合意管轄
exclusive jurisdiction by consent of the first instance
*       This license of use of the Products shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive primary jurisdiction with respect to all disputes arising with respect thereto.
*       Both parties hereto hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court of Japan with respect to any matter arising out of or relating to this Agreement.
*      All disputes relevant to the intellectual property rights shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Tokyo District Court as court of first instance, and other disputes in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court that has jurisdiction over the place of address of J-WEB as court of first instance.
*      Each party hereby agrees that the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the first instance over any lawsuit in connection with this Agreement
original jurisdiction  第一審管轄権
pendent jurisdiction 付随的管轄権
personal jurisdiction 人的管轄権
primary jurisdiction 第一審管轄権
* This license of use of the Products shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive primary jurisdiction with respect to all disputes arising with respect thereto.
provisional jurisdiction 暫定的管轄権
subject matter jurisdiction 事物管轄権

[] 後ろに来る修飾語句:
have ( no ) jurisdiction in the dispute
the judge MUST be challenged if he/she proclaims that the prosecution (IRS) has jurisdiction in this case.
the jurisdiction of these courts   これらの裁判所の司法権
jurisdiction   over   the   island   その島の管轄権
*      The Commission shall assume priority jurisdiction over conciliation (斡旋), mediation, arbitration, and disposition of cases
*      The case shall be under the jurisdiction of the District Court which exercises jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the company.
*      The following cases shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of its principal office of the company.

*      In filing a request for a designation or a change of jurisdiction, the requester shall submit a written request containing the reasons therefor to the court with jurisdiction.
subject to
*      All disputes relevant to the intellectual property rights shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Tokyo District Court as court of first instance, and other disputes in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court that has jurisdiction over the place of address of J-WEB as court of first instance.
*      If there is no court with jurisdiction under the provision of the preceding paragraph, the case relating to the trust property shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the district court that has jurisdiction over the location of the property.
place [ bring ] under the jurisdiction of を管轄下に置く
*      Municipalities have the authority to ban motor – assisted bicycles on roadways under their jurisdiction.
地方自治体は, 自身の裁量権で原付自転車の車道上の走行を禁止する権限を持つ.
*      The action shall be under the jurisdiction of the execution court.
*      The action shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the company.
*     When a case falls under the special jurisdiction of a high court and other cases are related to it, the high court may exercise jurisdiction over all of the cases jointly.
*     The family court shall transfer a case to the family court having jurisdiction if the case is found not to fall under its jurisdiction.
*      If there is no court with jurisdiction under the provision of the preceding paragraph, the case relating to the trust property shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the district court that has jurisdiction over the location of the property.
*     The court with jurisdiction over the case on the merits shall be the court of first instance.
fall within the jurisdiction of  ~の管轄[所轄]に属する, ~の管轄[所管, 所轄, 主管, 管掌, 所掌]するところとなる
place [ bring ] within the jurisdiction of  を~の管轄にする
place these issues within the jurisdiction of これらの案件を~の管轄[所管, 所轄, 主管, 管掌, 所掌]するところとする
*      The case does not fall within the jurisdiction of the court.
*      Appeals and actions related to the legal protection of trade marks fall within the jurisdiction of the court in the jurisdiction of which the Patent Office is located.
*     All actions under this Law shall fall within the jurisdiction of the court.

*            英文契約書ドラフティングハンドブック(宮野準治/飯泉恵美子)ジャパンタイムス
*            英文契約書の基礎知識 (宮野準治/飯泉恵美子)ジャパンタイム
*            英文契約書 条項文例集 (千代田有子)すばる舎
*            よくわかる英文契約書(大塚一郎) 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター
*            ライセンス契約入門 (山本孝夫)三省堂
*            契約・法律用語英和辞典 (菊池義明)IBCパブリッシング
*            英米法辞典 (田中英夫)東京大学出版会

本稿は、翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会が作成したものです. 翻訳会社ジェイビットは、本記事の引用、流用による結果に対しては一切の責任を負いません。




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