– 契約書翻訳のための用語・用例集 その1 (翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会)-
[] 他動詞: approve, breach, break, bring about, carry out, (come to), (enter
into), conclude, confirm, disregard, execute,
extend, make, modify, reach, terminate
cancel an agreement with… ~との協定[契約]を解除する
come to an agreement 合意に達する
* We have come to a preliminary agreement. 予備的合意に達した.
conclude an agreement協定を結ぶ
* He has drawn up an agreement for me. 彼が私に代わって契約書を作成してくれた.
enter into an agreement 契約を締結する
* This Agreement is made and entered into this first day of January, 2014 between J-WEB and AM-WEB.
execute an agreement 契約を調印する
* IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.
extend 延長する
* The agreement was extended for three more years. その協定はさらに3 年間延長された.
* The agreement was extended to include cultural exchanges. その協定は拡大されて文化交流を含むようになった.
automatically extended for another one year 自動的に1年間延長される
* Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Paragraph 10.1, this Agreement shall continue in full force for five (5) years from the effective date, and shall automatically be extended for another one (1) year,
unless [and until] either party shall give to the other party at least six (6) months prior written notice of its intention to terminate this Agreement upon the expiration of the said five (5) year period or of any subsequent one (1) year period.
have an agreement with sb (to do…) 人と(…する)協定をしてある
make an agreement 契約を締結する
* We made an agreement to finish college before getting married. 我々は結婚前に大学を卒業することに決めた.
make a written agreement with sb と契約を取り交わす
* This agreement was made on the first day of March, 2014.
* This Agreement was made and entered into as of July 1, 2015 by and between J-WEB and AM-WEB.
* This Agreement made and entered into in Tokyo this first day of January, 2015 by and between J-WEB, a Japanese corporation with its principal office of business at ***,
Tokyo, Japan (hereinafter referred to as the “LICENSOR”) and AM-WEB, a German corporation with its principal office of business at ***, Bonn, Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “LICENSEE”).
modify 修正する
* This Agreement may be modified only by a written agreement signed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties hereto.
reach an agreement 合意に達する
reach an agreement with sb about st 人とあることについて合意に達する.
fail to reach an agreement. 合意に達しない
* The broad agreement to establish a stock-purchasing organization was reached among the financial institutions through coordination efforts.
* We have renewed the agreement for another five years. その協定をさらに 5 年更新した.
set up a culture-exchange agreement 文化交流協定を成立させる
sign an agreement 契約書に署名する, 調印する
* Both companies signed an agreement to set up a joint venture to manufacture steel for automobiles.
* They have signed an exclusive agreement with the publishers. その出版社との専属契約に署名している.
* They signed a franchise agreement with a company. ある会社と独占的営業権契約を結んだ.
terminate an agreement 契約を解除する
* Without prejudice to any of J-WEB’s rights generally, J-WEB reserves the right to terminate this Agreement where AM-WEB fails to perform the obligation.
* This Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the parties.
* Upon the occurrence of any material breach, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of termination.
violate an agreement 契約に違反する
win an agreement 合意を取り付ける
* He won the agreement of the assembled finance ministers to lower interest rates. 集まった各国の経済担当大臣から金利を下げる合意を取りつけた.
work out 協定を取り決める
* The two sides worked out an agreement. 双方は苦労して協定を取り決めた.
* We must do what we can to work out some kind of agreement with them. 彼らとなんらかの合意に達するためには, できるだけのことをしなければならない.
[] 自動詞: become, bind, cease to be operative, commence, end, expire, extend
lapse, set forth, stand up, work
become effective 有効となる
* This Agreement shall become effective as of January 1, 2014.本契約は2014年1月1日付けをもって有効となる.
bind 拘束する
* The agreement binds both parties. その協定は両当事者を拘束する.
* We are bound by the agreement to do 契約によって**するように義務づけられている.
commence 開始する
* The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date first set forth above, and shall continue until ten (10) years from the date hereof unless earlier
constitute 構成する
* This Agreement constitutes and expresses the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to st.
continue 継続する
* This Agreement shall continue in effect until December 31, 2015.
end 終了する
* The term of this Agreement shall end ten (10) years from the opening date of the shop.
expire 満了となる、期限切れとなる
The agreement will expire two years from now. この協定は今から 2年後に期限切れとなる.
remain in full force 有効である
* This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the effective date of this Agreement to and including December 31, 2015.
set forth 規定する
* This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding and agreement between the parties as to the matters covered herein.
administration agreement 管理契約
a basic agreement 基本的合意
* We have reached (a) basic agreement on the matter. その件について基本的合意に達した.
a binding agreement 拘束力のある協定
buy-sell agreement 売買契約
labor agreement 労働協約
legally binding agreement 法的に拘束力のある合意
a conditional agreement 条件つきの同意
a culture-exchange agreement 文化交流協定
an employment agreement 雇用協約
an entire agreement 完全なる合意
* This Agreement constitutes and expresses the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to st.
an exclusive agreement with the publishers. 出版社との専属契約
a franchise agreement with a company. ある会社と独占的営業権契約
a free-trade agreement 自由貿易協定
a gentleman’s agreement 紳士協定
* We have a gentleman’s agreement that we will split the profits equally. その利益を均等に分けるという紳士協定を結んでいる.
A new labor agreement 新たな労働協約
license agreement ライセンス契約
licensing agreement ライセンス契約
maintenance agreement 保守契約
prior agreements and understandings 事前の合意および了解事項
purchase agreement 購入契約
* We have come to a preliminary agreement. 予備的合意に達した.
a sales agreement 販売契約
a secret agreement 密約
a tacit agreement 黙約
a technology exchange agreement 技術交流協定
a tentative agreement 仮の合意
a trade agreement 貿易協定
a truce agreement 休戦協定
a written agreement 書面による合意
[] 前置詞に伴われて:about, among, between, concerning, for, of, on,
an agreement about working conditions 労働条件についての協約
* We were surprised at their agreement about the matter. その問題で彼らの意見が一致したのには驚いた.
* There is no agreement about what to do next. 次に何をなすべきかについて合意はない.
agreement among them 彼らの間での意見の一致
* There is no agreement among them about why this occurs. なぜこんなことが生じるのかについて彼らの意見は異なる.
* The fares were fixed by agreement among the companies. 各社間の協定によって料金が決められていた.
agreement between A and B A と B との意見の一致
* the agreement between Japan and the US 日米間の協定
* There was (an) agreement by the two countries to reduce interest rates. 二国間で金利引き下げの取り決めがあった.
* We have reached agreement concerning a new policy. 新政策に関して意見の一致に達した.
an agreement for the exchange of prisoners 捕虜交換協定
an international agreement for drug control 麻薬取り締まりの国際協定
agreement for arbitration 仲裁の合意
agreement for the guarantee of quality 品質保証契約
in accordance with the agreement of the parties hereto in writing 本契約当事者の書面による合意にしたがって
agreement of bank transactions 銀行取引契約書
agreement of shareholders 株主の合意
agreement of the parties 当事者の合意
an agreement on disarmament 軍縮協定
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,
usually known as GATT 通常ガットとして知られる関税と貿易に関する一般協定
* The two governments signed an agreement on co-operation in exploiting resources. 両国政府は資源の共同開発に関する協定に署名した.
reach a tentative agreement on… ~に関して暫定的な合意にこぎつける
* We have signed an agreement with the country to build a thermal power station near the capital. 我々は首都の近くに火力発電所を建造する契約をその国と結んだ.
[] to
* They have reached an agreement to allow the thermal power station to be built. 彼らは火力発電所の建設を認める合意に達した.
* We have signed an agreement with the country to build a thermal power station near the capital. 日本は首都の近くに火力発電所を建造する契約をその国と結んだ.
* The broad agreement to establish a stock-purchasing organization was reached among the financial institutions through coordination efforts. 調整努力により各金融機関は株式取得機構を設立する大筋の合意に達した.
[] that節に伴われて
* We are here to enforce the agreement that the facilities should be dismantled. 当地にいるのは施設を解体する協定を施行するためです.
according to the agreement 取り決めによれば
* According to the agreement, we were not permitted to change our address. 協定によれば住所を変えることは認められなかった.
That’s against our agreement. それでは約束に反する.
by mutual agreement 互いの同意の上で
by prior agreement あらかじめ取り決めて
We are not all in agreement on this point. この点で全員一致というわけではない.
Nothing is said about that in the agreement. そのことは協定には何とも書いていない.
enter into an agreement not to do… …しないと約束する
the performance of this Agreement 本契約の履行
solve any dispute which may arise from the performance of this Agreement 本契約の履行から生じる一切の紛争を解決する.
the terms of this Agreement 本契約の条項
Subject to the terms of this Agreement 本契約の条項に服することを条件として
during the term of this Agreement 本契約の有効期間中
the date specified at the beginning of this agreement 本契約書の冒頭に明記した日付
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement 本契約が解除され、または終了した場合
default on an agreement 約束の履行を怠る
pursuant to したがって
* J-WEB warrants to AM-WEB that all items sold to AM-WEB pursuant to this Agreement shall conform to all specifications.
under a licensing agreement ライセンス契約のもとに[で]
under an agreement reached between A and B AとB(双方)が達した合意のもとに
As compensations to J-WEB for its services under this Agreement 本契約に基づくJ-WEBのサービスの対価として
the obligation of J-WEB to make payment to AM-WEB under this Agreement 本契約に基づくJ-WEBのAM-WEBに対する支払い義務
under an agreement made with… …と締結した協約の下に
* The audit shall be conducted by an independent certified public accounting firm under a written agreement of confidentiality.
* Under this agreement, they were to keep troops in the southern part of the island. その協定によって彼らは島の南部に軍隊をとどめておくことになった.
* Sales shall not be due subject to royalties under this Agreement 本契約でのロイヤルティ―の支払い対象とはならない.
* J-WEB furnishes to AM-WEB, upon request, five (5) copies of shop drawings of each different machine manufactured by J-WEB under this Agreement.
any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement 本契約からまたは本契約に関連して生じる一切の紛争
* We have complied fully with the agreement. その協約に完全に従った.
* 英文契約書ドラフティングハンドブック(宮野準治/飯泉恵美子)ジャパンタイムス
* 英文契約書の基礎知識 (宮野準治/飯泉恵美子)ジャパンタイム
* 英文契約書 条項文例集 (千代田有子)すばる舎
* よくわかる英文契約書(大塚一郎) 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター
* ライセンス契約入門 (山本孝夫)三省堂
* 契約・法律用語英和辞典 (菊池義明)IBCパブリッシング
* 英米法辞典 (田中英夫)東京大学出版会
本稿は、翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会が作成したものです. 翻訳会社ジェイビットは、本記事の引用、流用による結果に対しては一切の責任を負いません。