

apposition 同格(英語)


英語において一般的には、2つの名詞(相当語句)のうち後続する名詞 (相当語句)をappositive (同格語、同格句、同格節)と呼ぶ。appositiveは、通常は、先行の名詞に続いて置かれ、先行の名詞を同定、説明あるいは言い換える。しかし、2つの名詞(相当語句)のうち、どちらをappositiveとするかは、文章内での役割に依存し、先行する名詞(相当語句)がappositiveと呼ばれる場合もある。

(1) <名詞+名詞>
Soccer, the most popular game in the world, has not been embraced in this country.
(2) <代名詞+名詞>
We, the players, promise to do our best in the game.
(3) <名詞+名詞節>(that, whether節など)
He came back with the news that there was a small in three miles away
(4) <文+名詞>
He married money — the fastest way to become rich himself.

本稿では、特に(1) 名詞+名詞(or 名詞相当語句)について考えてみたい。


■ 限定用法: コンマで区切らない場合

1. 普通名詞と固有名詞の組合せ
1-1. (所有格+普通名詞)+固有名詞

My cat Nataly is fat.
<先行する普通名詞My catをNatalyとして同定する。 >

He introduced his friend Tom.
<先行する普通名詞his friend をTomとして同定する。>

I am your teacher Mr Smith
(私が皆さんの教師Mr. Smithです)
<先行する普通名詞your teacherをMr.Smithとして同定する。>

She said she told her then-boyfriend Brad Pitt about the incident.
(当時の恋人のBrad Pittにこの件について話したといった)
<先行する普通名詞the tehn-boyfriendをBrad Pittとして同定する。>

1-2. (定冠詞+普通名詞)+固有名詞

the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh
(オランダ人画家Vincent van Gogh)

the journal Nature Biotechnology
(Nature Biotechnology誌)

the fashion magazine Vogue

The poet Keats developed his natural gifts for language and imagery

The great cellist Yo-Yo Ma is a citizen artist.
(偉大なチェロ奏者Yo-Yo Maは市民芸術家だ)

the famous architect Thomas Petersen.
(有名建築家Thomas Petersen)

The British actress and model Cara Delevingne is the latest to accuse Weinstein of inappropriate behaviour.
(英国人女優兼モデルCara Delevingneは、Weinsteinの不適切な行動の告訴に踏み切った最も新しい人物だ)

A man has been convicted of kidnapping the British model Chloe Ayling.
(男は英国人モデルのChloe Aylingさんを誘拐したとして有罪判決を受けた)

Portrait of the English Romantic poet John Keats
(英国ロマン派詩人John Keatsの肖像画)

The US aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln has arrived off Florida.
(米国空母Abraham Lincolnがフロリダ沖に到着した)

The Republican senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina – a frequent Trump critic – issued the strongest rebuke from his party so far.
(南カロライナ州選出の共和党上院議員Lindsey Grahamは、これまでも何度となくトランプ大統領を非難してきたが, 同党からの最も強い非難を放った)

Trinity recognised the former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton along with four other pre-eminent individuals for their contribution to society at today’s honorary degree ceremony.
(トリニティ・カレッジは、米国の元国務長官Hillary Rodham Clinton並びに4人の優れた個人に対して彼らの社会貢献の功績を称え名誉学位を授与した)

2. 固有名詞と普通名詞の組合せ
2-1. 固有名+(定冠詞+普通名詞)

Mr. Smith the blacksmith

Mr. Smith the carpenter is a strange man.

3. 普通名詞と普通名詞の組合せ
3-1. (定冠詞+普通名詞)+(ゼロ冠詞)普通名詞

Mary likes the color yellow.

the hormone adrenaline

The color white is a symbol of purity

The verb ‘consent’ is often accompanied by the preposition ‘to’
(動詞 consentにはよく前置詞toがともなう)

The kidneys are the chief glands of excretion. They extract from the blood the waste product urea

With the servo spool in neutral, tilt-rolling action is held because the control pressure Pc acting on the control piston larger diameter section is balanced with the main circuit pressure PH acting on the control piston smaller diameter section.

The pigment bilirubin is converted into two secondary pigments which give urine and feces their color.

Among the other products are the blood constituents albumin, globulin, fibrinogen and prothrombin.

An animal study in the journal Nature Biotechnology showed the part of the eye which actually detects light can be repaired using stem cells.
(Nature Biotechnology誌に掲載された動物と使った研究で、光を検知する目のその部分は、

■ 非限定用法: コンマで区切る場合(非限定 – 説明的、付加的、追叙的となる. 後置の名詞(名詞相当語句)が無くても文は成立. しばしば入れ替えが可能.)

1. 固有名詞と普通名詞の組合せ
1-1. 固有名詞+comma+普通名詞

Washington, our first president

Edward Smith, captain of the Titanic
(Edward Smith、タイタニック号の船長)

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former US Secretary of State

Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former first lady and senator who has served as
President Barack Obama’s secretary of state for four years
(Hillary Rodham Clinton、前大統領のファーストレディでありBarack Obama大統領の国務長官を4年間務めた)

Renault, the French car maker, may stop offering diesel engines in most of its cars sold in Europe. (フランス自動車メーカーであるルノー社は、欧州で販売する同社製品の多くで、ディーゼルエンジンの搭載を止めるかもしれない)
< Renault, a French car makerのように不定冠詞をつけると、Renault社, (貴方は知らないかもしれないがフランスの自動車メーカーで)、というニュアンスになる>

Otto Warmbier, the U.S. college student arrested, tried and imprisoned in North Korea for more than a year for trying to swipe a souvenir from a hotel
(Otto Warmbier氏は、北朝鮮のホテルでみやげ物を盗もうとしたとして逮捕、一年以上投獄されていた米国の大学生)

“I tried to stay calm,” said Nishikori, the 2014 runner-up in New York.

Teams are still working to clear Highway 1, the road connecting most of the inhabited islands.

Mr. Marvin, the foreman of the plant, was hurt yesterday.

Vincent van Gogh, the eldest son of a Dutch Reformed minister and a bookseller’s daughter
(オランダ改革派教会の牧師である父と本屋の娘である母の長男として生まれたVincent van Gogh)

Amid rumours that France would follow the US in being stripped of its AAA credit rating Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, said plans to reduce his country’s budget deficit would be announced within the week.
(米国に続きフランス国債もAAAから格下げされるという噂が流れ、Nicolas Sarkozyフランス大統領は、赤字削減策を週内にも発表すると述べた)

I visited Switzerland、a beautiful country.
(スイスを訪れた. 美しい国だった.)
<ここで、a beautiful countryは、名詞Switzerland 対して補足的であり、なくても文意は大きく損なわれない>

Lochte, a 12-time Olympic gold medalist, has earned millions of dollars through endorsements(オリンピックで12個の金メダルを獲得したロクテは、コマーシャルで数百万ドルを稼いでいる)

Otto Warmbier, an American student who was detained in North Korea for 17 months, has died one week after he was released and returned to the US in a coma
(米国の学生Otto Warmbier氏は、北朝鮮で17ヶ月拘禁されていたが、開放され米国にこん睡状態で帰国1週間後に死亡した)

Taylor Swift, a very popular singer, will be performing at the Tower Hotel.
(とても有名な歌手であるTayler SwiftがTower Hotelで公演することになっている)

The article appeared on Sunny Day, a magazine published on the East Coast.
(その記事は、東海岸で発行されている雑誌Sunny Dayに掲載された)

His best friend at AmericanCom was fellow software engineer, Tom Swan, a shy young American with a wife and two children
(AmericanCom社での彼の親友は、同僚ソフトウェア技師であるTom Sawnだった。Tomは、奥さんと二人の子供を持つシャイな若者だった)

1-2. 普通名詞+comma+固有名詞

He introduced us to his wife, Mary

My sister, Nataly is here.

The Sumida flows through the capital of Japan, Tokyo.
<首都は一つだから、Tokyo で制限(限定)の必要がない>

Our teacher, Mary Smith, wrote this book.
(我々の教師であるMary Smithがこの* 本を書いた)

Former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher spoke out today.
<ジャーナリスティックスタイルでは、普通名詞→固有名詞の順が多い (Cambridge Grammar of English)>

The US Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has said he will develop a tracking system to help authorities control immigration(米国共和党大統領候補のドナルドトランプは、当局の移民管理を支援するために追跡システムを開発すると述べた)

She and her husband then set up another design venture, Frances Valentine, named after their daughter.
(彼女と夫はその後、Frances Valentineという別のデザイン会社を設立した。同社名は娘の名前から命名されたものだ)

The first female prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher was a controversial figurehead of conservative ideology during her time in office.
(英国初の女性首相であるMargaret Thatcher氏は、任期中において保守イデオロジーの旗頭として物議をかもすことが多かった)

The iconic tortured artist, Vincent Van Gogh strove to convey his emotional and spiritual state in each of his artworks
(苦悩の画家として有名なVincent Van Goghは、自分の作品に自身の感情と精神状態を表現しようとした)

an American, William Kelly
(米国人William Kelly)

two convicted Iranian activists:
(1) Nasrin Sotoudeh, an imprisoned lawyer, and Jafar Panhi, a formerly imprisoned filmmaker
(2) an imprisoned lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, and a formerly imprisoned filmmaker, Jafar Panhi
< (2) では「投獄されていた弁護士と映画制作者」という記述が重視されている.>
– New York Times Blog (After Deadline)から –

An American Pastor, Andrew Brunson, has been jailed on false charges in Turkey since October, 2016.
(米国人牧師であるAndrew Brunson氏は、虚偽の告発によって2016年10月以来トルコで投獄されていた.)

The Bessemer process of steelmaking was discovered independently and almost simultaneously by an American, William Kelly, and an Englishman, Henry Bessemer in the 1850’s.
(製鋼におけるBessemerプロセスは、米国人Willian Kellyと英国人Henry Bessemerによって1850年代に、別々にそしてほぼ同じに発見された)

A hot-tempered tennis player, Tommy charged the umpire.

Enriquez, a father of two and a nurse, was killed when he left the concert.

Have you read “The Grapes of Wrath,” a novel by John Steinbeck?

Among the products on show will be the FastPick, a new, simple to implement and highly cost effective case picking system.

Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, was among those on the far right who welcomed Trump’s combative Tuesday press conference.

(1) the former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
(2) The former US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has been a longtime supporter of Ireland and especially the Peace Process in Northern Ireland
(3) Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivers stinging critique of President Donald J. Trump with indirect comparison of former President Richard Nixon
<定冠詞がない場合はfalse titleと呼ぶ構文となり、ジャーナリズムでは頻出するが、journalese(新聞用法)として否定する学者も多い>
(4) Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former Secretary of State
(5) Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former US Secretary of State

1-3. 普通名詞+comma+普通名詞

Baseball, his favorite sport

Soccer, the most popular game in the world

My boss, the woman in green

More people cited AIDS than heart disease, the nation’s leading killer.

A heavy majority, as much as 73% of all AIDS cases in the U.S., result from homosexual intercourse between men.

During the first six months of this year, M1, the basic measure of the money supply, grew at a 10.4% clip, far above the Federal reserve’s target range of 4% to 7%.


They are broken down into globulin, the basic material of the cells, and hematin, the dye that gives them their red color.

The company, largest of its kind in the Kansas City area, produces corrugated packing
materials and for years relied almost completely on gasoline powered lift trucks./

The insect, a large cockroach, is crawling across the table.

Many young women now wear jeans, a trousers made of denim.

He was lying on a grassy bank beside the river ― a wide, clear river.
(その川 – 幅の広い水の綺麗な川の草の生えた岸辺で横になっていた)

Clutch couplings have been fitted with the Twiflex clutch slip detector, a very sensitive and reliable device that gives warning of even a 0.5% slip rate in the clutch.

Another image showed a woman posing in front of Japan’s Rising Sun flag, a symbol of imperialism.

You are better than anyone, anyone I’ve ever met.

Modern drills revolve 450,000 times a minute, thousands of times as fast as those used 30 years ago.

1-4. 普通名詞+comma+or+普通名詞

The kidney is composed of an inner medulla and an outer cortex, the latter containing millions of tiny excretory units, or nephrons. Each nephron consists of two parts.

The fluid then flows out of the cups through tiny tubules that lead to the center, or pelvis, of the kidney.

It is durable; it is extremely resistant to most toxic, or poisonous, substances.

■ false title (造語的な肩書) の例 (イタリックで示す)
false title は名詞に先行する一種のappositive(同格語句) とみなすことができる.

The New York TimesのManual of Style and Usageではtitleについてこのように述べている.
— Only official titles – not mere description – should be affixed to names. Do not, for example, write pianist Lynn C. Arniotis or political scientist Tracy F. Baranek. But in a reference to someone well known, a descriptive phrase preceded by “the” is acceptable: the sociologist Merril H. Cordero. —

false titleの例を挙げる.

[ ] 内は、the をつけて同格構文にした場合の例.

Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh
(オランダ人画家Vincent van Gogh)
[the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. Dutch painterはtitle(称号、役職あるいは肩書き)ではないので、固有名詞の前には置くべきではないとされる. New York Timesでは、有名人の場合は、定冠詞theをつければdescriptive phraseを固有名詞の前に使ってもよいとしている.]

Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh
(後期印象派の画家Vincent van Gogh)
[the Post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh]

dive partner Francis Antigua
(ダイブパートナーFrancis Antigua)

Lead researcher Prof Robin Ali
(主任研究者Prof Robin Ali氏)

Arizona senator Barry Goldwater won the Republican nomination.

World number three Hideki Matsuyama shot a nine-under-par 61 to win the Bridgestone Invitational by five shots in Ohio.

Two-time Grand Slam champion Kerber struggled badly with her second serve.

British actress Emilia Clarke was born in London and grew up in Berkshire, England.
(英国人女優Emilia Clarkeは英国ロンドンで生まれ、Berkshireで育った)

French food supplier Comigel

US cable provider Comcast

TV and film company NBCUniversal
(TV及び映画会社NBCUniversal 社)

investment specialist RobecoSAM

Toyota Industries Corp subsidiary Aichi Corp
(豊田自動織機の子会社Aichi Corp)

European forklift industry leader Linde Material Handling

■ 無(ゼロ)冠詞について

Dr. Swan, Professor of Linguistics at New York University, wrote this book.
(New York大学の言語学教授であるSwan博士がこの本を書いた)
<不定冠詞を入れて、Dr. Swan, a Professor of Linguistics at New York University, wrote this bookでもかまわない>

Peter Lawrence, CambridgeCom Americas chief executive officer, notes that the facility has outperformed on expectations in 2016.
(CambridgeCom AmericasのCEOであるPeter Lawrence氏は、設備は2016年において期待以上の成果を挙げたと述べた)

The students learn about the biography of Vincent van Gogh, artist and painter of the Post-impressionist art movement.
(学生は期印象派運動の芸術家で画家Vincent van Goghの伝記を学ぶ)



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