

– 契約書翻訳のための用語・用例集 その他13 (翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会) –

DAMAGES [名詞] 損害賠償金、損害賠償額 (時としては、損害(injuries)、被害額の意味にもなる)

In the event that J-Web terminates this Agreement based on the preceding paragraph, AM-Web shall compensate J-Web for damages due to said termination.

cf. total damages from the quake would top the \10 billion in losses Japan sustained in 2001. この地震による総被害額は, 2001年に日本が蒙った100億円の被害額を上回るかもしれない。

[] 他人の行為によって侵害を受けた当事者に法によって与えられる金銭の総額。契約違反または不法行為によって被害を受けた者に対して、裁判所その他の司法機関が手続きに従って認定する損害賠償金をいう。

Black’s law dictionary
[] A pecuniary (=monetary) compensation or indemnity (=a compensation paid for loss or damage), which may be recovered in the courts by any person who has suffered loss, detriment (= damage) or injury, whether to his person, property, or rights, through the unlawful act or omission or negligence of another.
(人の不法行為、怠慢または過失によって、人格、財産または権利に対する損失、損害、また は傷害を蒙った当事者が、裁判において償われる金銭的補償または賠償)

Barron’s Law Dictionary
[] monetary compensation which the law awards to one who has been injured by the action of another; recompense for a legal wrong such as a breach of contract or a tortious act.
There are various measures used for calculating damages, including diminution of value and cost of completion.

[] damagesの種類
actual damages 現実的損賠賠償(金)、実損:damages directly referable to the breach or tortious act; losses which can readily be proven to have been sustained, and for which the injured party should be compensated as a matter of right.
当該違反または不法行為に直接に帰すことができる損害賠償; 蒙ったことが容易に証明でき、それに対して被侵害当事者が補償される権利を持つ損失。
compensatory damages 補償的損害賠償、填補損害賠償(金):a sum of money awarded in a civil action by a court to indemnify a person for the particular loss, detriment, or injury suffered as a result of the unlawful conduct of another.

consequential damages 派生的損害賠償:damages which are caused by an injury but which are not a necessary result of the injury.
* Under no circumstances will J-WEB be liable for any consequential, indirect, special, punitive or incidental damage or lost profit, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable.

cumulative damages 累積的損害賠償額
exemplary damages 懲罰的損害賠償(=punitive damages):
general damages 通常損害賠償、一般損害賠償:compensation for losses that can readily be proven to have occurred and for which the injured party has the right to be compensated

incidental damages 付随的損害賠償、偶発的損害、付随的損害賠償金
* In no event will either party be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages, even if the other party is notified of the possibility of such damages.
libel damages 名誉毀損の賠償金

liquidated damages 予定損害賠償、約定損害賠償、遅延損害賠償、定額損害賠償、リキダメ: damages awarded where a contract provides for an exact sum to be paid as compensation in case of a breach of contract, and describes conditions that constitute a breach.
* If J-WEB fails to make any payment within the time specified in paragraph 3, J-WEB shall pay to AM-WEB ten percent (10%) per annum of the unpaid amount as liquidated damages together with principal from the date payment becomes due until the date payment is made.

money damages 金銭による損害賠償
* The parties acknowledge that money damages would be inadequate to compensate such party in the event of a breach of this NDA by the other.
* J-WEB agrees that it would be difficult to measure the damage to AM-WEB from any breach by us of the covenants set forth in this Agreement, that injury to AM-WEB from any such breach would be impossible to calculate, and that money damages therefore be an inadequate remedy for any such breach.
nominal damages 名目的損害賠償 (権利の存在を確認する): trifling sum awarded where a legal injury has occurred but has not resulted in a significant loss.
punitive damages 懲罰的損害賠償金(違法行為を懲罰し、違法行為を防止する: additional and heavy damages awarded where a court believes a defendant acted in a fraudulent, malicious, reckless, or violent manner, and therefore must be made an example of
* The arbitrators will have no authority to award punitive damages not measured by the prevailing party’s actual damages.
recoverable damages 取り戻すことのできる損害賠償金
Special damages 特別損害賠償:damages that are not presumed in law and are a direct result of an action or injury, such as loss of earnings, medical expenses, and repair bills that can be assessed with fair accuracy.
substantial damages 実質的損害賠償
where the aim of a court award is to restore a plaintiff to his or her economic position prior to the injury or loss.

他動詞 [] assess; award; bring; claim; cover; exact; indemnify; obtain; pay; receive; seek; win

assess damages at $500,000 損害額を 50 万ドルと評価する

award damages of $1 million 100万ドルの賠償金を与える
* The jury awarded him damages of $1 million. 陪審員は彼に 100 万ドルの損害賠償金を与える評決を下した。

damages awarded
* If the parties hereto decide certain action to be taken, J-WEB shall take necessary action(s) against such Infringement, provided that all outside costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees and all damages awarded or otherwise recovered shall be equally shared by the parties hereto.

bring an action for damages against sb 人に対して損害賠償を(求めて)提訴する
* The aggrieved party, may therefore bring an action for damages against the party who is guilty of the breach of the contract.
bring a suit for damages 損害賠償請求の訴えを起こす
* He is considering whether to bring a suit for damages in the UK courts.

compensate: 補償する、損害を賠償する
compensate sb for damages (損害)
* In the event that J-Web terminates this Agreement based on the preceding paragraph, AM-Web shall compensate J-Web for damages due to said termination.
cover damages
* pay $100,000 to cover damages 損害賠償に 10 万ドル支払う
claim damages 損害賠償金を要求する
exact damages from sb 人から損害賠償金を取り立てる
indemnify sb for damages **へ損害賠償をする
indemnify the owners for damages 所有主に損害賠償をする
make a claim for damages caused by an accident 事故の損害賠償請求をする
obtain damages against sb for libel 名誉毀損で人から損害賠償を得る

pay damages 損害を賠償する
pay nominal damages 名目的損害賠償金を支払う
* They had to pay $1,000 in damages.
損害賠償金として 1000ドル支払わねばならなかった。
pay damages against sb 損害賠償金を**へ支払う
* J-WEB shall pay all damages and costs awarded therein against AM-WEB.
pay damages to sb 人へ損害賠償を支払う
* The party, guilty of the breach, is liable to pay damages to the aggrieved party.
receive damages 損害賠償金を受け取る
recover damages from st による損害賠償金を払ってもらう
seek damages in court 損害賠償訴訟を起こす

sue sb for damages 損害賠償を求めて訴える
* J-WEB sued AM-WEB for damages totaling [amounting to] 1 million dollars.
win damages 損害賠償を勝ち取る
* Activists win damages against City police for false imprisonment.

[] 前に来る修飾語句

the amount of damages 賠償金額
* diminish the amount of damages available in a personal injury case.
assessment of [amount of] damages 損害賠償の算定
award of
* an award of damages adequate to compensate for the infringement
a claim for damages 損害賠償請求
make a claim for damages caused by an accident 事故の損害賠償請求をする
liable to
be liable to damages 賠償金を支払う義務がある
measure of damages 損売賠償の範囲
a right to damages 損害賠償についての権利
a suit for damages 損害賠償訴訟
* it could be used also in evidence in a suit for damages
a suit for recover of damages for に対する損害賠償の回収訴訟
* a suit for recovery of damages for malicious prosecution and libel.

[] 後ろにくる修飾語句
damages amounting to に等しい損害賠償
* The court has granted damages amounting to the contract value to the plaintiff suffering loss due to breach of the contract.
damages arising out of から生じる損害賠償
* J-WEB has the right to extend the period for shipment without prejudice to the right to claim damages arising out of such delay in shipment.
a damages award 損害賠償裁定額
* a damages award might be significantly reduced.
damages awarded 裁定による損害賠償額
file a damages claim 損害賠償を請求する
* They have filed a damages claim for more than 1 million pounds against the company relating to its 2014 profit overstatement.
a damages suit 損害賠償訴訟
* In a damages suit in which the government’s responsibility to dispose of the chemical weapons was recognized,

[] 前にくる前置詞
against :
indemnify sb against damages 損害賠償金について**へ弁償する
* J-WEB shall indemnify AM-WEB against all costs and damages whatsoever arising out of claim by third parties caused by the acts or defaults of J-WEB.

make a claim for damages 損害賠償請求をする
make a claim for damages caused by an accident 事故の損害賠償請求をする
claims for damages against sb 人に対する損害賠償の請求
* The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not prevent any claims for damages against the General Partner who are required to be withdrawn from the Partnership.
compensate sb for damages (損害)
* In the event that J-Web terminates this Agreement based on the preceding paragraph, AM-Web shall compensate J-Web for damages due to said termination.
compensation for damages (損害)の補償
* the successful bidder may demand compensation for damages against those persons
compensation for damages (損害)and losses you suffer due to st
* You can seek compensation for damages and losses you suffer due to a problem with a product or service if the supplier could have reasonably foreseen the problem.
compensate sb for damages (損害)人に損害を賠償する
* If J-WEB suffers damage or injury due to willful misconduct or gross negligence by AM-WEB, AM-WEB shall compensate J-WEB for said damages.

** dollars in damages
* The court ruled that the company had to pay nearly $1 million in damages
* Eleven activists who took part in G20 protests seven years ago have received more than £60,000 in damages from the City of London police for false imprisonment, assault and breaches of the Human Rights Act.
* J-WEB should be awarded $1 billion in compensation and another $2 billion in punitive damages.

[] 後ろにくる前置詞
bring a civil action for damages against the person
* claim damages against the person who committed the tortious act.
a claim for damages against sb 人に損害賠償を請求
* If J-WEB sustained physical damage due to any such act of AM-WEB, J-WEB may lodge a claim for damages against AM-WEB.

damages for
* The term “economic loss” includes, but not limited to, damages for lost profits or sales, for business interruption, for losses indirectly suffered as a result of the commission or omission of either party, and for losses that arise from the claims of third parties.
pay damages for に対する損害賠償金
pay damages for infringement of copyright 著作権侵害に対する損害賠償金を支払う
damages against sb for st
* Activists win damages against City police for false imprisonment.

claim damages from に損害賠償を請求する
* J-WEB claimed damages from AM-WEB, whose carelessness had caused the accident.
* The court overturned an award of damages for injury to dignity in the amount of $10,000.

award damages of $1 million 100万ドルの賠償金を与える
* The jury awarded him damages of $1 million. 陪審員は彼に 100 万ドルの損害賠償金を与える評決を下した。

pay ** in damages to sb 損害賠償として人へ**を支払う
* The court has ordered the company to pay about ¥1 million in damages to a former employee.

* 英文契約書ドラフティングハンドブック(宮野準治/飯泉恵美子)ジャパンタイムス
* 英文契約書の基礎知識 (宮野準治/飯泉恵美子)ジャパンタイム
* 英文契約書 条項文例集 (千代田有子)すばる舎
* よくわかる英文契約書(大塚一郎) 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター
* ライセンス契約入門 (山本孝夫)三省堂
* 契約・法律用語英和辞典 (菊池義明)IBCパブリッシング
* 英米法辞典 (田中英夫)東京大学出版会
本稿は、翻訳会社ジェイビット用語編集委員会が作成したものです. 翻訳会社ジェイビットは、本記事の引用、流用による結果に対しては一切の責任を負いません。



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